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 Basic Precautions around Animals

Stay Safe Around Animals

Basic Precautions around Animals at Fairs & Petting Zoos

Livestock and other domesticated animals can carry disease-causing germs like Salmonella, E. coli and, in the case of pigs, influenza.  If you are going to be around animals at a petting zoo, county fair, or other similar setting, taking some basic precautions can help ensure that you don't pick up these germs. 

Basic precautions for staying safe around animals:

  • Know that animals can carry germs that can make people sick
  • Never eat, drink, or put things into your mouth in areas where animals are displayed
  • Older adults, pregnant women, and young children are at especially high risk
  • Wash your hands with soap and water right after touching animals or their surroundings

Clean hands save lives - wash 'em!

Frequent and proper handwashing is an important step in stopping the spread of germs.  Learn more about how & when to wash, soap vs. sanitizer, and more at :

Clean Hands Campaign
Clean Hands Campaign (for everyone)
Clean Hands Kids
Clean Hands Kids (for kids)

More info: