Health Insurance Marketplace Certified Application Counselors
Health Insurance Marketplace - Certified Counselors

Your Privacy - Key Points

  • You choose what information to share with our Counselors.  You will not be required to provide personal health information either to our Counselors or to the Marketplace.
  • Our Counselors will protect any personal information you choose to provide, using it only in the context of assisting you in obtaining coverage through the Marketplace.
  • Both our Counselors and the Health Insurance Marketplace maintain the highest privacy standards.
  • Our counselors will never store or share your identifiable health information.
  • Our counselors will never share your contact information except in the context of assisting you in obtaining health insurance coverage.

Please contact us with any questions.

Privacy Statement

Your privacy is very important to us.

Our Certified Application Counselors are committed to protecting and securing the personal information of all individuals they assist. This includes any personally identifiable information (including health status) and federal tax information.        

The Marketplace places a high value on privacy and seeks to maintain consumer trust in its ability to protect a consumer’s sensitive and personal information. As such, the Marketplace has standards for privacy and security and provides consumers with information on how their personal information is used or shared. It also has protections in place to keep information from being shared in a harmful way.

As a consumer, you will be informed in writing of what personal information is collected, why it is collected, how it will used and maintained and when the information is shared. You will be asked to sign a consent form indicating that you understand how the Marketplace collects, uses, shares and maintains personal information.

Each Certified Application Counselor has completed a background screening and is trained on Marketplace and Florida Department of Health privacy practices to protect your information from unauthorized use or disclosure.  This includes the HIPAA Privacy Rule, which protects the privacy of individually identifiable health information.