Health in Motion (our mobile medical unit) brings vital health and
medical services to underserved areas of Sarasota County. HIM's staff
includes a registered nurse and a clerk, and volunteer physicians and
nurses also assist with providing services.
Services include:
Adult immunizations
Hepatitis A & B, Tetanus, Influenza, Pneumonia
Blood pressure screening
Diabetes - Glucose screening
Eligibility screening
Health Education
HIV screening
Pregnancy testing
Help locating a permanent primary care
Cost: Some services are always free, others require you to pay if you have the
ability, and some have a standard fee.
- Health Fairs
- Worksite Wellness
- Community Events
- Not available on Sundays. Please allow at least three
months advance notice.

Health In Motion is available to come to your
place of business or community event to offer health screenings,
immunizations, and more! It's a convenient way to promote
health among your employees or in the community.
Request Health In Motion to get
