Environmental Health Services: Swimming Pools and Spas > Pool School
Pool SchoolAll public swimming pools must be maintained by a certified operator to maintain acceptable sanitary conditions and to minimize the possibility of a waterborne disease outbreak. The person who is directly responsible for the pool operation is required to complete a training course known as Pool School. This course must be conducted or approved by the Florida Department of Health in Sarasota County. The course covers basic pool water chemistry, filter system operation and maintenance, and general swimming pool sanitation. Register for Pool School Pool School is now offered online at no cost to you. However, a passing score on the open-book exam is required to receive certification. There is a $50 fee for testing and certification. Testing is administered in person on Friday mornings; however, we require at least 24 hours' notice to schedule you for the exam. Remember to bring your notes and Pool School book (also available online) with you for testing. To register for Pool School testing (required for certification) or submit payment:
Pool School Online Training Modules *** Training Modules work best with Internet Explorer or Firefox browsers. Please contact us with any questions at 941-861-6133.