Clean Hands Toolkit for
It's just plain common sense to encourage more frequent and
effective hand washing – but it
makes good business sense too. Unclean hands spread the
germs that cause colds and flu, infecting your employees.
Once an illness has struck one person in your company,
absenteeism can quickly multiply and cost your business in lost
Did you know:
Among unvaccinated employees, flu-like illnesses accounted
for 39% of sick days and 49% of days with reduced employee
Yearly flu costs $76.7 million per year in employee
absenteeism and other indirect costs.
each flu or cold, a person feels sick for five to six days,
resulting in missed days ranging from half a day to five
days of work.
Frequent hand washing is one thing your
organization can promote to decrease the spread of colds and flu
and keep your business running smoothly.